About us

We are dedicated to helping raise awareness about PTSD suicide, providing resources and support for those struggling with PTSD, and sponsoring events to share the message of hope and the importance of enduring the battle against our PTSD demons.


While our primary focus is on Veteran PTSD suicide, PTSD does not discriminate; neither do our efforts to fight. Moreover, suicide does not discriminate and is the ultimate final decision for many. Saving as many lives as possible is paramount.


Bottom line: our hope is that others can learn from our mistakes and have better support in their battle against PTSD with a focus on preventing suicide.


While we do not accept monetary donations, making a purchase from our shop will help fund our efforts to support fellow PTSD warriors and their families as well as raise awareness.


If you'd like to contribute without making a purchase, please help out by sharing your story or by spreading the word about our resources with others.


Are you determined to donate towards ending veteran suicide without making a purchase? Check out #Mission22 -- they do GREAT things, too!

Understanding our logo

Our logo is simple as is our belief: everyone is worth more here with us than as a memory.


The location marker symbolizes the importance of living in the moment and that being here with family, friends, brothers and sisters in arms, and fellow PTSD warriors is more valuable to all than to be a memory.


"Worth More" within the marker is not only positive self-talk but the reminder that each of us are worth more. We are worth more than the negative thoughts we struggle with in our heads.

We are worth more than the negative words thrown out by others. We are worth more here, together.


While our focus is on PTSD, our logo, our belief, and our efforts are not limited to just those battling PTSD. Suicide is the final decision and a decision that too many face too often.


Today's pain is temporary. It may feel as though things couldn't be worse or cannot get better. Tomorrow is the chance to fight for a better future. Our sincere hope is that anyone can connect with our logo for the good of their life and find the reason, confidence, and strength to fight for tomorrow.


We started out as a simple personal project: customizing a personal truck. As the truck continued its transformation, it drew more and more attention from people. This was the point at which it became clear the truck should serve as more than just a personal project.


So, it became a dedication to my personal struggles and experience with the hope that the message would reach at least one person.


The truck is taken to many car and truck shows and driven around nearly every day. If at least one person sees the message and thinks twice about succumbing to their demons or finds the strength to ask for help, then all the time, money, and sweat will have been worth it.


It's a great privilege to talk to others about the truck and their personal experiences (whether it is themself, a family member, friend, or about those that lost their battle with their demons).


Every one of us is worth more here, living with our family, friends, brothers and sisters in arms, and fellow warriors against PTSD.


We are worth more here.


You are worth more here.


Our future is one built together. With a foundation established on the belief that we are all worth more here rather than as a memory, we can help one another to share the message that tomorrow is a chance at a better future. As we take one day at a time and fight for tomorrow, today's pain will pass and we can enjoy the victory of seeing tomorrow to appreciate all that we have together.


The ultimate hope of Worth More Here is to share the message of community, hope, and strength in numbers together. One step at a time and one day at a time, we aim to make a positive impact in the lives of our fellow PTSD warriors.